Trump Reveals Tim Cook's Concerns Over EU Fines on Apple

Donald Trump claims Apple CEO Tim Cook called him to discuss concerns over EU-imposed fines on Apple, totaling $17 billion. The conversation highlights ongoing tensions between U.S. tech giants and European regulators.

In a recent podcast interview, former U.S. President Donald Trump disclosed that Apple CEO Tim Cook reached out to him regarding significant financial penalties imposed on Apple by the European Union. The fines, which amount to a staggering $17 billion, have been a point of contention between the tech giant and European regulators.

During the interview on the PBD Podcast, Trump claimed that Cook called him to express concerns over the EU's actions. "Two hours ago, three hours ago, he [Cook] called me," Trump said. "He said the European Union has just fined us $15 billion... Then on top of that, they got fined by the European Union another $2 billion." These fines are part of a broader effort by the EU to regulate big tech companies and ensure compliance with European competition laws and tax policies.

The largest of these fines, approximately $14.4 billion, relates to a long-standing tax dispute with Ireland, where the EU accused Apple of receiving unlawful tax benefits. Additionally, Apple was fined $2 billion for antitrust violations, specifically for using its dominant position to restrict music streaming apps from offering cheaper subscription options outside of its App Store.

Trump, who is currently in a tight race with Democrat Kamala Harris for the upcoming presidential election, assured Cook that he would not allow such actions against American companies if he were to be reelected. "Tim, I got to get elected first," Trump quoted himself as saying to Cook. "But I'm not going to let them take advantage of our companies. That won't be happening."

This revelation comes amid increasing scrutiny of U.S. tech giants by European regulators, who have launched a series of investigations to curb their market power and ensure fair competition. The conversation between Trump and Cook underscores the ongoing challenges faced by American companies operating in Europe and the potential impact of regulatory actions on their global operations.

Apple has not confirmed the authenticity of the call, and the company has been tight-lipped about its strategy to address these fines. However, the situation highlights the complex relationship between tech companies and political leaders, as they navigate regulatory landscapes across different regions.

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